2025 Israel Mission


PARTNERSHIP2GETHER invites you to the 

2025 Summit
February 25 - 28, 2025

Cost: $100 per person ($195 single supplement)

A portion of the cost is subsidized by the Partnership
Participant pays airfare

Join us for Mifgashim opportunities to meet old and new friends from the US, Israel and Budapest! Open to all community members, staff and lay leaders - including first timers. 

Volunteer in the Western Galilee
Choose a meaningful track and volunteer with members of our Consortium cities and local Israelis.

Meet heroes of resistance
Hear stories from business owners, defense experts and evacuated Israelis and provide support, encouragement, and solidarity to uplift their spirits. 

Learn about new initiatives in the Western Galilee

Post Summit
Optional add-on: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. More info to come.

Questions: Contact Lisa Epstein @ EpsteinL@jfsatx.org