Dust off that cowboy hat; shine those boots and head on over to Temple Beth-El on Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 p.m. for a western-themed social gathering in the spirit of the rodeo coming to San Antonio.
Enjoy a bowl of kosher chili and dessert while you kick back those boots and watch Blazing Saddles with your friends. There will be prizes for best and worst western gear, so come give us your best “yee-haw!” While this event is free, there is a suggested donation of $5.00.
In recognition of rodeo month, all are asked to bring pet items to benefit the Animal Defense League.
This community wide event is a collaborative effort presented by Temple Beth-El, Congregation Agudas Achim, Chabad Center for Jewish Life and Learning, Congregation Rodfei Sholom and Golden Manor Jewish Senior Services, with support from Temple Chai and Congregation Beth Am.
RSVP by February 17 to Christina Weinfeld at 210-302-6946 or cweinfeld@goldenmanor.net. If you are in need of transportation, please let us know with your reservation.