
1 2017

The Life Experience of Sephardic Jewery 1492- Present at Temple Beth-El

6:30PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Beth-El 211 Belknap Place
San Antonio, TX 78212
210-733-9135 temple@beth-elsa.org

Contact Temple Beth-El

6:30 pm Reception
Share in Spanish wine & paella, Turkish desserts, and other lite fare and view a traveling exhibit from The Quin-centennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews
7:00 pm Introduction - “Reflections on the differences between growing up Catholic and Jewish in Spain, by Joaquin G Mira and Sidney Chocron, past and present presidents of the Casa de España in San Antonio.”
7:30pm The Life Experience of Sephardic Jewry 1492-Present - Lecture by Dr. Ori Soltes followed by Q & A