The Jewish Federation of San Antonio’s Leadership Development Program, J-LEV (Jewish-Leadership, Engagement, Values) is now accepting application for the third cohort. This is designed for Jewish adults to become the next generation of leaders for the San Antonio Jewish community. J-LEV is a cohort-based leadership development program designed for next generation professionals who want to take their participation in Jewish community leadership to the next level through a series of interactive and engaging sessions around Jewish values and wisdom. Participants will advance their leadership skills, learn about San Antonio Jewish partnering agencies, lay leadership opportunities, build relationships with their peers, and put that knowledge into action. Jewish Federation of San Antonio will help connect you to start or enhance your lay leadership journey after graduation.
The Federation believes in investing in the Jewish future. That’s why we’re committed to fostering the next generation of Jewish leaders who will help support the rich history in Jewish life and ensure our community continues to thrive.
The application process is a chance to tell your story – who you are and why you’d like to be a part of this program. We take pride in the fact that J-LEV reflects the diversity of our community, and includes people from varying professional backgrounds, political orientations, aspirations for Jewish leadership, and affiliations in the community.
Applications open July 1st, 2024, and close July 31st, 2024. Once your application is received, you will be contacted by Jill Jacobs, Chief of Staff, to set up an interview day and time.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance to the J-LEV Program by August 31, 2024.
J-LEV Course dates
*Wednesday due to Jewish Holidays
1. What is J-LEV?
J-LEV is a cohort-based leadership development program designed for professionals who want to take their participation in Jewish community leadership to the next level through a series of interactive and engaging sessions around Jewish values and wisdom. Participants will advance their leadership skills, learn about San Antonio Jewish partnering agencies, lay leadership opportunities, build relationships with their peers, and put that knowledge into action.
2. What does J-LEV Stand for?
J-LEV is an acronym for Jewish-Leadership, Jewish-Engagement and Jewish-Values. LEV in Hebrew means heart and participants in J-LEV are committed to the success of Jewish San Antonio. J-LEV’s role is to act as a voice and “heart” to ensure a vibrant future through leadership, Jewish values, and knowledge about our city’s Jewish agencies.
3. Besides my time, what other commitments do I need know in order to participate in J-LEV?
Financial investment of at least $360 annually or $30 monthly to the 2025 Jewish Federation of San Antonio Annual Campaign. The travel and hotel will be underwritten for the overnight trip to Washington D.C.
All J-LEV members are encouraged to participate in relevant activities and programs at JFSA.
Participation is critical to the course’s overall success, J-LEV requires attendance to at least 6 of the 7 classes plus the DC trip.
4. Am I right for J-LEV?
If you:
J-LEV is for you!
Questions? Contact Jill Jacobs, Chief of Staff, at
The first cohort kicked off in the fall with participants Ben Alterman, Hollie Lyko, Kelly Petlin Beaty, Zachary Roth, and Shannon Seglin. Following completion of the program, Kelly Petlin Beaty began serving on the JFSA Board and Shannon Seglin is now co-chair of Temple Beth-El's Sisterhood
Nammie Ichilov, Kelly Petlin Beaty, Ben Alterman (via Zoom), Hollie Lyko, Shannon Seglin, and Zach Roth
Kelly Petlin Beaty, Shannon Seglin, Hollie Lyko, and Zach Roth learning about PJ Library
Ben Alterman, Zach Roth, Hollie Lyko, Kelly Petlin Beaty, Shannon Seglin, and Nammie Ichilov, pictured with LIFE&LEGACY Year 3 Celebration featured speaker, Rabbi Daniel Cohen (center)
Graduation dinner hosted by the Ichilovs (left to right): Lisa and Nammie Ichilov, Jeremy Rosen and Anna Schragin, Shannon Seglin, Kelly Petlin and Evan Beaty, Ben Alterman, Hollie Lyko and Zach Roth
After the success of cohort 1, the second cohort began in October 2022 and had almost double the number of participants! Cohort 2 partcipants include Noah Barshop, Dr. Jasmine Bonder, Hannah Cramer, Melissa McLeaird, Emily Petrescu, Sam Planto, Sarah Ram, Molly Rosenblatt, and Alan Yancelson. Graduates have become involved across the community - Melissa is the co-chair for PJ Library, Sam started a Jewish Affinity Networking group at his work and has volunteered with Jewish Family Service, Noah serves on the JFSA Board, Jasmine is involved with Israel and overseas programs as well as all things healthcare, to name a few.
Jasmine Bonder, Molly Rosenblatt, Noah Barshop, Sam Planto, Alan Yancelson, Hannah Cramer, Emily Petrscu, Melissa McLeaird, and Sarah Ram
Alan Yancelson and Sarah Ram at one of the sessions
Noah Barshop, Melissa McLeaird, and Emily Petrescu
Nammie Ichilov and Anna Schragin (second from right), presented certificates to the graduates at the 2023 JFSA Annual Meeting