
The Young Adult Division (YAD) is the hub of a vibrant and dynamic Jewish community for young adults between the ages of 22- 42 in San Antonio. By serving as a connector for things you and Jewish, we help native San Antonians and newcomers find meaning and build relationships in all facets of life, from professional and religious, to a cultural and communal setting.


To prepare the future leaders of Jewish San Antonio for active and engaged leadership roles guided by Jewish values, ensuring a vibrant and financially stable Jewish community for generations to come

How to get involved

We are always excited to meet new people! Whether you just moved to the San Antonio area or have been in town and want to engage more, let us know you're here and we'll make sure you're connected. 

Click here for more information about upcoming events and follow YAD on social media for all of the latest updates and programs. 

J-LEV Leadership Course

J-LEV is a cohort-based leadership development program designed for young professionals who want to take their participation in Jewish community leadership to the next level through a series of interactive and engaging sessions around Jewish values and wisdom. Participants will advance their leadership skills, learn about San Antonio Jewish partnering agencies, lay leadership opportunities, build relationships with their peers, and put that knowledge into action.

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Your YAD Committee

Eleanor S. Gossen - Chair/President
Sam Planto - 
Vice Chair/Vice President
Hannah Cramer Fisher - 
Ross Halfant - 
Moshe Krumholz
 - Member
Meytal Russo - 
Carla Cutler -
YAD Coordinator
Jodi Marion -
Staff Liaison